Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Photo Tuesday

Here's some photos from the last couple of weeks!

The one below are some concept sketches for our Reverse Garbage stop-mo piece. The watercolour pics are mine, Jack's is the sketchy one and the pastels are Sarah's. I really love the monsters =)

The photo below is some more group artwork on the right, and on the left is the artwork that was found around Tafe. Gotta love Avatar.

All the photos below are from Reverse Garbage. It shows the materials you can buy, plus some stuff around the place. I really like the bike cave. It's insanely cool!


  1. Those photos of skylarkation and tomfoolery at Reverse Garbage are great!

  2. You guys are awesome! I loved the story board you showed me yesterday, and we have the all clear for using the RG workshop space for the stop-mo so just let me know when!

